

A sudden splice of memory strikes my head. It is not
A breathing, fully-fledged flashback, nor is it
A dusty drip in the desert. It is just
A glassy, red-blue-green, translucent panel, swiping with
All the other fragile sheets of memory.

The memory,
Throbbing in pain,
Thriving with ambition to get out of long-term, is
Thronging and consuming the mind at every corner. It

Meticulously manifests,
Morphing into a magnetic, malign
Maelstrom, bringing and inducing
Mayhem, transforming the
Mind into a
Madhouse, and convinces its owner to take a stride disguised as a "leap of faith" into the void of darkness where there is no happiness and only more loneliness. The memory, contagious and carcinogenic, freezes the mind takes over it conquers it and, destroys, it, by, shredding, it, into, a, million, pieces; until

Something, thankfully,
Stanches the blood. It might be a
Stream of consciousness, a
Spring awakening, or a
So-called "savior".

Defeated, the parasite once again returns to its residence.
Business as usual, life goes back to "normal". Seasons come and go,
Yet, the memory, rash, ravenous, and
Reckless, is plotting to take its
Revenge, by fooling the owner into
Repeating all of this. And I am destined to
Relish it, all over again.



兇猛地呼嘯 猙獰地嚎叫

決不開窗 決不買賬

溫室的嫩芽 尚有一絲機會














Dear Friend

何韻詩的演唱會,我 2013 年的時候看過一次。那次是她第三次的個人紅館演唱會,名 "Memento",演出後所有評論一面倒讚好。我當時也親歷何韻詩表演時所散發的個人魅力,親歷她把自己個人成長經歷以歌、舞、劇形式呈現,親歷她在流行音樂的「流行」與藝術之間取得完美的平衡與取捨。師從梅艷芳的何韻詩的演藝才能從來毋庸置疑兼無可匹敵,所以即使她近五年音樂上減產,她的地位與所得的認同從來不被動搖。可是,2014 年的一場雨傘運動,何韻詩也不負眾望地身體力行走上街頭,換來的代價除了是唱片公司不再續約,更是越來越多的反對者。反對她的人不只有愛港愛國的親共份子,更有逐漸冒起的本土派。本土派人士不認同何韻詩所參與的靜坐、非暴力示威,但其實更是不恥何韻詩骨子裡「歌手」的身份,因作為歌手,必定要載歌載舞,與本土派的理念不符。加上何韻詩一直秉承「大愛」價值爭取同志平權,又不斷走進社區透過音樂與其他途徑發放正能量,導致她現今被人冠以「左膠」的罪名,由昔日大家最欣賞、最敬佩的敢言歌手,變成現今遭人奚落、唾棄的網絡煩膠。

撇除她偶爾為人所產生的問題(例:haha 事件),我一直也欣賞何韻詩的。我承認泛民主派作為議員、政界人士,有責任去跳出框框,不再只虛張聲勢卻徒勞無功地抗議,但何韻詩作為歌手,又有否此責任?我無意貶低歌手的身份,尤其是地位如此崇高的歌手,必定有他們的影響力,但歌手始終能力有限。在禮崩樂壞的社會裡,歌手固不能依舊「歌舞昇平」(這詞與觀點直摘自何韻詩於演唱會上的講話),但我們同時也不能期望歌手會與你走在最前線一起勇武抗暴。所以這個演唱會與這篇文章其實也在探討纏繞著何韻詩與一眾藝術家的核心問題——究竟藝術家在紛亂的時代定位在哪?
面對輿論的壓力,何韻詩可謂透過這次演唱會作出了一個絕地反擊。無論是海報、主題曲、舞台設計,乃至服飾,都有著同一個色調——黑色。這是何韻詩對現今社會的觀感的化身,整個社會氛圍也瀰漫著一股負能量,作為香港人的你與我,眼見社會逐漸崩塌,必定感同身受。可是,在黑暗中,仍然看見台上的曙光,仍然聽到一萬二千人的歡呼聲,這正正就是這次 "Dear Friend" 演唱會最核心、最根深蒂固的主題:
當然,根據本土派的邏輯,這種黑暗的埋怨也是何韻詩的罪狀之一,但我認為在傘後沉思、回想、痛定思痛,是整個城市必須面對的過程。"Memento" 有著一個較個人的主題,所以何韻詩與她的製作團隊處理較佳,但 "Dear Friend" 的主題更顯深度,視野亦更廣闊、宏觀,可見何韻詩比起三年前又突破了不少、又前衛了不少。
為展現這個「黑暗後有曙光」、「傘後反思」的主題,何韻詩在選曲方面放了不少心思。不少網民埋怨她一反過往作風,只唱派台歌曲。我不知她是否刻意迎合一眾傘運後才加入她大本營的樂迷,但歌曲是否大路不是問題,歌曲是否配合才是。開場的《舊約》並不使人意外,大概就是約定了在紅館相見,然後是《韻律詠》,講述大家思想仍一致的時候。唱畢《艷光四射》的「生於亂世,有種責任」,首本名曲《光明會》「立誓要剷除沉悶領導層」,延續傘運的澎湃,直至舞蹈突然終止。我以為這部分完了,但她自彈自唱《拋磚引玉》,原來「失去就是富有」,傘運完結了卻有所得著、唱片公司合約完了卻給了她空間去自由發揮,一個過程圓滿地完結。接著,她自私了一點,唱了一連串關於自己的歌曲,但很快言歸正傳。台下噴發著濃煙,黑色的紙碎驟降,她哼著《親愛的黑色》,在一片迷霧中消失,一切墮進黑暗之中。過場的炮火聲效嚇壞了我,她重現的時候,已換上了另一個角色,原來她重施 "Memento" 的故技,與固定嘉賓黃耀明上演一場迷你愛情音樂劇,翻唱鄭秀文《薩拉熱窩的羅密歐與朱麗葉》,再翻唱明哥的《禁色》,也有自己的《勞斯·萊斯》,主題明顯——這是戰爭或社會不容許的一段禁戀,關乎生死,黑暗到極致。到下一環節,她與舞蹈員伴著《花見》、《金剛經》浩浩蕩蕩地列著陣容、擺著姿勢,卻在毫無預兆之下停了,又是象徵著傘運戛然而止。傘運「仍然未得勝」,在全場寂靜之下,她唱《木紋》、《青山黛瑪》,黑暗在我們身上留了不可消滅的疤痕,社會都把我們當成瘋子。可是,到了最後一個環節,黑暗終於結束,《是有種人》強而有力地響起,《親愛的黑色》附著振奮人心的歌詞再次出現,《千千萬萬個我》這首「革命情歌」把希望推到極致,曙光終能戰勝黑暗。熬過了漫長的黑暗,方更深明希望的力量,可見何韻詩寄予社會的訊息,始終也是正面、積極的。
"Dear Friend" 的另一個主題是團結。看到此,一眾本土派又急不及待衝出來斥責她「大愛」了,但無可否認的是,她在撕裂的社會中有著超人的凝聚力。透過眾籌集資辦音樂的,她不是第一個,但只有她能獲取此空前的成功。到了現場,原來她的舞蹈員超過一半是來自理工大學與 IVE 的舞蹈協會的,你不得不佩服她的創新。除了舞蹈員,她還蒐集了來自巴西、日本等國的表演者,可見這是一個團結世界力量的演唱會。當演唱會步進尾聲的時候,歌迷會率領一萬二千人,不是喊「安歌」,而是合唱《是有種人》的副歌;親身感受如此澎湃的力量,我不得不動容。何韻詩的歌迷一向忠實,看 "Memento" 亦令我對她的演唱會的氣氛驚歎,但今次是另一個境界。甫開場,《艷光四射》的音樂響起,全場的觀眾二話不說自動波站起來;至中段,一萬二千人在手機燈海之中大合唱《滿地可》、《光榮之家》;到尾聲,她在說話不在唱歌,觀眾也依舊站著。不得不提的是她事前在臉書呼籲入場觀眾不要購買場外小販所賣的熒光棒,結果觀眾手機的閃光燈照亮紅館,當中一個良莠不齊的燈牌也沒有,毫無違和感。一眾「菇徒」對何韻詩的狂熱崇拜已達到宗教程度,看她的演唱會就彷如朝聖。
何韻詩走上獨立路之後,預算大減,以往由 fran9 製作的機動舞台消失得無影無蹤,但讀設計畢業的何韻詩對自己的要求依舊是高的,所以即使製作成本下降,也不代表演唱會變得單調乏味。道具與其他舞台效果不需浮誇華麗,但必須與主題貫徹始終,這個道理只有幾位香港歌手明白。例如,第一次唱《親愛的黑色》飄落的紙碎是黑色的,黑色淹沒了何韻詩,第二次唱,紙碎變成正面的白色,後來唱《千千萬萬個我》的時候,更是噴發彩色的紙碎,與台上各位彩色的服裝相輔相成。噴紙碎也許不及放煙花般震撼,卻噴得有心思,噴得有意義。又例如,《木紋》的水晶球表演相當吸引人眼球,以水晶球比喻香港人玻璃心,又可比喻一段關係的脆弱,多重解讀,發人深省。舞蹈上,演唱會亦是十分精彩的,何韻詩的舞功向來不錯,有著梅姐的影子,但 "Memento" 裡的舞蹈未算突出,反而這次的舞蹈變化多端,可見她能掌握各種風格的舞蹈。因得了理大與 IVE 的參與,《花見》與《金剛經》的畫面霸氣外露,看見舞蹈員之間傳遞道具時互相配合,突顯團結主題,更是難能可貴。


若然大眾與藝術之間存在取捨,那何韻詩這次演唱會明顯偏向大眾。藝術上,的確比起上次演唱會遜色。"Memento" 是一個令人十分感動的演唱會,她的演出令人動容,今次則缺少了那份感人。可是,何韻詩的演唱會仍舊是超班的,她的藝術表達、個人魅力與氣氛營造力無人能及。在香港這個文化沙漠,流行歌手大部分推出 K 歌便得過且過,仍舊堅持把藝術融入流行再融入社會的歌手寥寥可數,而真正成功的可能只有何韻詩一個。無論你政見與她是否一致,仍應敬重她從出道至今從未放棄此初衷,甚至越做越成熟。"Dear Friend" 不僅是四場娛樂騷,更是何韻詩作為獨立歌手、民主代言人在香港流行樂壇中一次盛大兼充滿人性的宣示,在香港陰暗的氛圍中注入希望。



背包很重 骨頭很脆
脊醫只提起筆 便能糾正畸彎嗎?





Doctor Strange 《奇異博士》

It feels obligatory to sing the praises of Marvel Studios every time a new entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) comes out. To no one's surprise, Doctor Strange has impressed critics with a 91% approval ratio on Rotten Tomatoes, and is set to score a domestic opening weekend of at least USD$70 million. Ever since the release of Iron Man in 2007, Marvel's success has been unstoppable – scoring critical and box office hit after hit. Doctor Strange marks the biggest risk Marvel has ever taken and it seems that the risk has paid off as well.
The teal-and-orange madness of Doctor Strange's theatrical poster.
Doctor Strange comes directly after the wildly enjoyable Captain America: Civil War. While the success of a film like Captain America: Civil War might be attributed largely to the well-developed and cohesive "cinematic universe", Doctor Strange, being an origin story, rides less on the coattails of the MCU. Different from the origin story of Ant-Man, Doctor Strange makes almost no mention of the rest of The Avengers until – you guessed it – the mid-credits scene. In the past, Marvel has stepped into the intergalactic in Guardians of the Galaxy, so this is nothing new for Doctor StrangeDoctor Strange marks the first time the MCU steps into the mystical. These two key features make Doctor Strange starkly different from the rest of the universe. One more thing that sets it apart is probably the prestige behind this project – with a stellar cast of Oscar nominees such as Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Tilda Swinton, and Rachel McAdams, Doctor Strange tackles themes and concepts that channel Inception and even 2001: A Space Odyssey vibes. Clearly, Doctor Strange is Marvel's attempt to create a distinctive entity that looks and feels more 'serious' and 'deep' than your average comic-book adaptation.
Doctor Strange features Inception-esque visuals.
Story-wise and concept-wise, the film mostly succeeds. The film does indeed go full-on mystical. We are reminded again and again of realms that exist beyond our senses and universes that normal people have no knowledge of. While Inception tries to ground its ideas in realistic science-fiction, the Ancient One (yes, that's her name) from Doctor Strange responds to the eponymous character's qualms about things not making sense with "well, not everything does". Marvel has always been daring in its attempt to expand its universe – it has never been afraid to play with other planets in Thor and Guardians of the Galaxy and I applaud their boldness. However, with aggressive expansion comes excessive exposition. A film that dabbles in the otherworldly needs to explain its rules clearly, and Doctor Strange merely does a passable job at that. The rules of the universe gradually unravel and are not clearly established at first, but the action and spectacle cover the holes in logic (or lack thereof) adequately. At its core, Doctor Strange is a hero's journey, and the film does not fall into the trap of spending too much time in exposition and digressing from the story.

However, despite it being a well-made and well-told hero's journey, it is almost nothing more than that. Anyone can notice that it contains some interesting ideas about time, but it also obviously feels limited by the boundaries of the MCU. In fact, it feels difficult to summarize the film's ideas about time, because they are all over the place yet never in-depth. There is a particularly poignant scene about love and time in the middle of the film that immediately qualifies the film as leagues above, say, the uninteresting Guardians of the Galaxy, but the film stops at that. While there are many story references and (unintentional?) visual cues to Batman Begins, the film never rises (no pun intended) to Begins' levels. It is nothing but a shame, as I understand the Marvel's desire to play it safe, but this film really could have been something far greater than what it is now and its potential feels squandered by the studio's fingerprints.

The film tries to position itself as deep and thought-provoking, but its true key to success is its cast. As aforementioned, the cast almost only consists of big names, and the big names deliver. Benedict Cumberbatch is more charismatic and charming than ever and, in my opinion, does a better job here than his Oscar-nominated performance in The Imitation Game. He is the leading man from start to finish and carries the film on his shoulders while making it look like a piece of cake. He breathes life into the film when the screenplay doesn't have much to begin with. Chiwetel Ejiofor is a little modest and a little boring, but I understand why he plays it that way after watching the end-credits sequence. I'm now very excited for his appearance in the sequel. Tilda Swinton is marvelous (no pun intended) and makes the Ancient One a very convincing character, despite the character's mild inconsistencies (Is she strict or not? Why does she punish Doctor Strange but is at times relaxing? What is the logic behind that?). She seemed to enjoy her action sequences a lot which is very delightful to watch. Rachel McAdams is serviceable but she does not have much to work with. She is the typical love interest and I didn't really expect Marvel to do anything interesting with its love interest. It's a flaw that even Nolan couldn't avoid committing.
Benedict Cumberbatch is fantastic as the titular hero.
There really isn't much else to praise, because a Marvel film is expected to be successful in its storytelling. The three-act structure is there and strictly followed, and the audiences are entertained. However, as much as it contains Marvel's pros, it also carries Marvel's cons. The biggest complaint of the MCU is perhaps its flat villains. The villain of Doctor Strange is portrayed by esteemed actor Mads Mikkelsen, but the film is infected with the superhero movie syndrome of covering your actor's face with unnecessary and superfluous make-up or simply not giving the villain time to shine. (See The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, the first Spider-Man, X-Men: Apocalypse... the list goes on and on.) Mikkelsen is severely underused here. The filmmakers clearly understand his abilities and gives him one confrontation in the middle that tries to beef up his character, but it falls flat because the character is not well-established in the first place. Confrontations work with The Joker because the character is well-established in the first act. Scott Derrickson, the director, admits that he tried to make a Joker-level villain but, in retrospect, his words sound laughable. He probably knows what makes a great villain great (e.g. parallels with the protagonist) but he never makes Mikkelsen's character profound or even compelling. Once again, potential to elevate Doctor Strange from the average is squandered.
Mads Mikkelsen, smothered in make-up, in a green-screen Hong Kong.
Another feature that makes MCU films less great than they can be is the humor. MCU films are riddled with humor, possibly in an attempt to balance the drama. Almost everything in the MCU is about balancing things out, playing it safe, and taking care of the needs of everyone. I enjoyed the humor much more than the tasteless humor of Guardians of the Galaxy, but Marvel's addiction to adding humor feels more like a detriment than an icing on the cake. It does produce some laughs (look for a particularly funny Beyoncé joke), but I do think the time could've been spent better on developing the ideas of the story. The same goes for the music – another typical feature of MCU movies, which so far have all contained unmemorable and inconsistent scores. This was explored by video essayist Every Frame a Painting, and kills the MCU's cultural impact. A large part of Star Wars and Harry Potter's success is their leitmotifs, and MCU still lacks one, despite recent attempts to correct this. Even though the good-and-sometimes-great Michael Giacchino was recruited for writing the score, it still doesn't save the film from unmemorable and mostly absent music. I appreciate his attempts at making the music literally strange to fit the film, but I never took notice of it until the credits. It is probably a fault of the editor more than the composer; if recruiting Giacchino and Danny Elfman (for Age of Ultron) still can't solve the MCU's music problems, then it probably lies not in the soundstage but in the editing booth.

Finally, I must address the biggest controversy surrounding the film – the alleged whitewashing of Tilda Swinton's character. Whitewashing has always been a huge problem in Hollywood – while we've moved away from the days of Orson Welles wearing black paint to play Othello, we are still stuck in a time when Christian Bale plays Moses and Scarlett Johansson plays an Asian. Hollywood is obviously uncomfortable with hiring Caucasian actors to play black characters, but seems to be fine with whitewashing Asians or characters of non-black ethnicities. The Ancient One, in the comics of Doctor Strange, is clearly and undoubtedly an Asian. An Asian man, in fact. To hire a Caucasian female for this role is clearly a huge middle finger to the preconceptions of the character. Some comic book fanatics find it frustrating that the film deviates from the source material so fundamentally and their frustrations are perfectly valid. However, challenging the preconceptions of source material is nothing new for film adaptations, and is acceptable if done with reason. It is explained pretty well in the film – "The Ancient One" is a mantle that is passed along instead of a reference to a specific, particular person, and I'm convinced that this wasn't written in just to explain the casting decision. However, even though it is perfectly explainable within the film's logic, it does not make the decision reasonable. I consider the gender-reversal a bold move as Hollywood needs to represent females not only in a sexually enticing way but also in a strong and a traditionally, stereotypically masculine way. With this in mind, there really isn't a point in changing the race of the character as it is not explainable in the way the gender-reversal decision is (Caucasians are not underrepresented). It is not as blatant and shameless as casting a Caucasian and painting him bronze to play a(n arguably historical) Israelite, but it is not far above that. The filmmakers have failed to provide the audiences with a satisfying reason behind this decision other than "the role was written for Tilda Swinton". They can't just racistly want whoever they do and write in a not-so-clever loophole to explain things.  There are so many Asian actresses who can handle the role well – Zhang Ziyi, Shu Qi, Michelle Yeoh, just to name a few. The end-product works out fine, Tilda Swinton handles the role superbly, and it is slightly better than the whitewashing in Exodus: Gods and Kings, but we must not ignore the fact that this is still whitewashing. Coming from the world's top studio, it is all the more a shame.
The Ancient One from the comics vs. Tilda Swinton's turn as the character.
Doctor Strange is good, very good, but not great at all. Its marketing may lead you to think that it is intellectual or original, and in some ways, it is, but just very limitedly. It has everything you'd expect from a Marvel film – a solid cast, satisfactory directing and cinematography, clean and polished storytelling – but it also has the flaws that come along with one – tacked-on humor, forgettable music, and a lacking villain. Its slight artistic merits are ironically cancelled out by its whitewashing, and isn't as fun as Captain America: Civil War or as epic as The Avengers, but is at least better than the banal Ant-Man and the tacky Guardians of the Galaxy (sorry, I just really dislike these two). It is a solid 3.5 out of 5, maybe a 4 out of 5, but definitely nothing more than that.